Fallolyckor ett stort problem

Varje år skadas 70 000 människor så allvarligt i fallolyckor att de måste läggas in på sjukhus. Över tusen personer dör, en siffra som har mer än fördubblats sedan år 2000.
Men det finns stora skillnader i statistiken beroende på var man bor i landet, konstaterar Socialstyrelsen.
Läs mera här: http://www.anpdm.com/newsletterweb/44405E40744545514473444A59/414A504070444A5B41704645584271

Ett svar på ”Fallolyckor ett stort problem

    EVOLUTION, REFERENDUM, MONEY OR LAWS ? The global “rule of law” is the alternative system to privacy, personality, money and market-economy-system.
    Environment friendly friend democrat! I propose the program easyvote(.)se or similar interactive program to be used for e-dialogue and e-voting to participate in decision-making, not for election of representatives. The goal should be to abolish all political splitting parties and to unite all citizens concerning justice constitutions. All partie’s environmentally friendly and willing members will be allowed to participate. The first electoral arrangements should be: “Honestly, do we want to be a partytopp controlled party or a large single direct-democratic environment friendly organisation and humanistic equality movement? YES (?) or NO (?)”
    Honestly, the most important human right is the participation in the creation of the global constitutional laws means e-referendums. Become a role model! Eliminate as soon as possible nationalism, finish the war everywhere, and establish a global civilisation! Start with a law on12-year compulsory education for all. With a law make English the country’s and the world’s native language (taboo?). The goal (the basic ideology) is a law that abolishes and replaces the money of the Adiscuss global constitutions not Trump, Putin and Communist China! fred.blomson@gmail.com, amateur philosopher, in 4 languages ​​www.equalitynow.eu, facebook.com/fredblomson Grateful for comments!

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